Saturday, July 6, 2013

3rd Week at OpenMRS

This week is a fine week for me.I have studied about the configurations of a module of OpenMRS.As I previously mentioned in the post, for a module there will be a service layer and hibernate data access layer. For a module there are 4 major types of configuration files available. Please find the details of each configuration files. All the configurations are in the omod module's resources folder.

  • Config XML (config.xml)
This is the main configuration file of a module which is in XML language.In here module developer need to mention about about the module id,name,version,package,author,description,activator,updateURL as main configurations. Please find Figure 1  for more descriptive information about this configuration.

Figure 1:config.xml
  • Module application context xml (moduleApplicationContext.xml)
This is the configuration file where developer need to mention about the web pages and web controllers mappings.Also in this section spring bean settings for services  need to be configured.

  • Liquibase (liquibase.xml)
This is the major configuration of databases.All the database table creations and adding constraints for the database tables according to the database design is need to be specify here.
  • Hibernate mapping files
Developer need to map the Pojo classes to the hibernate configurations.There will be hibernate classes for each pojo class.

Last I need to mention about the message property files in resource folder which used for the internationalization purposes.Developer need to include strings displayed in the web pages as property file entries and refer them through spring.

This week I have created my pojo classes and my manager front end. Busy weeks coming ahead.I always trying to give valuable information about module creating on each of my blog posts. 

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