Saturday, June 29, 2013

2nd Week at OpenMRS

It has been a two weeks gone in the GSoC coding period. Time running really fast. This week we had a GSoC project introduction session in the OpenMRS. We have to give a short introduction about out project in the OpenMRS weekly development forum.It has been a wonderful experience for me to give a online presentation through Adobe Connect. There are GSoC interns all around the world in the OpenMRS. It always good to know them and build a friendship each other.

My primary mentor Jeremy Keiper always guide me  with the project. This week I have setup my module.

In a openmrs module, there are two major packages are inside a openmrs module. They are known as "api" and the "omod". Module is more like a web application. "api" packages is the location which module contains non-web java classes. Mostly "api" package contains, data access classes of hibernate and spring bean services. "omod" package contains web related jsp files and controller classes. Controller classes use services expose from the "api" to build the presentation logic.

 There are two major ways of building a openmrs module.

  1. Using maven module archetype
Openmrs has extention for maven to create the structure of a module.Using this way,user can quickly build a openmrs module. Please refer to [1].

    2. Using basic module at openmrs git repository
Basic module available at openmrs repositories gives a structure of a module.User can clone the basic module and do necessary changes to the configurations to built their own module.(I use this way)
Please find basic module at github in [2]

You can see the following structure in a module as in figure 1;

Finally I have created my module at it's working. Busy days comes ahead. 
My module is available at [3].

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